Sabtu, April 24, 2010


Everyone said that I love reading. I guess it's true since I spent most of my time reading anything that I love. One of my favorite reading source is comic. I do love comic.
I've read comic since I was in junior high. The first comic that I read is Swan. It's about ballet, but actually that type of story isn't interesting to me. I love romance and comedy. Lately, I read Korean Manhwa and I love it. Almost all Korean Manhwa that I've read have very good picture and genre (especially romance and comedy).
The author of Korean Manhwa who makes me craving for his/her comic is Hwang Mi ri. Well, I just realize that I don't know whether Hwang Mi Ri is a man or woman.Whatever. I love almost all his/her art work. The stories are about teenagers and their problems especially in love and gangster wannabe. Hwang Mi Ri's art work is really great.
Not only Hwang Mi Ri, I actually love Japanese authors too. One of them is Suzue Miuchi. Unfortunately, I heard that she's no longer writing comics. What a pity for me since I love one of her comics namely Amaterasu errrr I forget. Or in Indonesia it's called Dewi Matahari or maybe Goddess of Sun in English. Well, whatever.
Oh... don't know why, but I just wanna try to resume all comics that I've read.
Btw, I will forget about losing my weight. I am ideal. And I dont wanna skinnier than I am right now.

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